python ... Implementation of Simhashes
2:15 AM | Author: devista
# Implementation of Charikar simhashes in Python

# See:

def simhash(tokens, hashbits=32):
if hashbits > 64: hashbits = 64
v = [0]*hashbits

for t in [x.__hash__() for x in tokens]:
bitmask = 0
for i in xrange(hashbits):
bitmask = 1 << i
if t & bitmask:
v[i] += 1
v[i] -= 1

fingerprint = 0
for i in xrange(hashbits):
if v[i] >= 0:
fingerprint += 1 << i

return fingerprint

def similarity(a, b, hashbits=32):
# Use Hamming Distance to return % of similar bits
x = (a ^ b) & ((1 << hashbits) - 1)
tot = 0
while x:
tot += 1
x &= x-1
return float(hashbits-tot)/hashbits

test_set = ["zomg hai 2 u 2! I lub j00 so hard.",
"zomg bai 2 u 2? I haet j00 hard."
"G fj sdlfjdjlfjsljdf sdkfj s sla r"
"g fJ sdlfjdjlfjsljdf sdkfj s sla r"

last = None
for t in test_set:
fingerprint = hex(simhash(t.split()))
print "%35s = %s" % (t, fingerprint)

print "\nHow similar are these?"
a = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa 111111111111111'
b = 'aaaabaaaaaaaa 111111161111111'
print "'%s' and '%s'? %.2f%%" % ( a, b, similarity(simhash(a), simhash(b))*100 )
a = 'The Pursuit of HAPPINESS'
print "'%s' and '%s'? %.2f%%" % ( a, b, similarity(simhash(a), simhash(b))*100 )
b = 'the pursuit of happiness'
print "'%s' and '%s'? %.2f%%" % ( a, b, similarity(simhash(a), simhash(b))*100 )
b = 'HAPPINESS pursuit'
print "'%s' and '%s'? %.2f%%" % ( a, b, similarity(simhash(a), simhash(b))*100 )
b = 'happiness pursuit'
print "'%s' and '%s'? %.2f%%" % ( a, b, similarity(simhash(a), simhash(b))*100 )

by : andhy as, Jakarta, Indnesia, 08 2010
b = 'happiness pursuit of the WHATEVER'
print "'%s' and '%s'? %.2f%%" % ( a, b, similarity(simhash(a), simhash(b))*100 )

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